The anime tells about all the reasons its dangerous for humans to fall in love with a computer ( like when the guy leaves his wife for one) then it ends with a perscom and a human getting together???

Well, the best shows/literature discusses a theme which will undoubtedly have different facets. One facet of a robot-human union is that it will be possibly tragic for another human being; another is that it will be possibly tragic for the person who is involved with the robot. It makes the series more real, because one thing will mean differently to different people, and that's what Clamp is pointing out.

Despite the conflicting views presented in the series, Chobits ends with a hopeful note about the relationship of robots (which behave according to human input) and humans, as Chii displayed the ability to "activate", or "cause" something akin to emotion for other persocoms. In this regard, Clamp is leaning towards a more positive opinion about this issue.

I think this conflict is merely secondary to the central theme of the series, which is unselfish Love and Love free from obstacles (society and human nature); that's why Hideki and Chii ends up together xD. Chii needs to be loved in a way that does not present any pressure (i.e sex), and that's what Hideki can give her. :3 Hope that helps.

This is a good point and one that will need to be addressed in the future if humanoid robots come on the market. Will they have emotions? Not unless it's an approximation driven by a program. But that won't stop people from developing relationships with them. These kinds of people probably already have trouble developing relationships with other people. Take away that need by substituting robots and that person might never be able to interact properly in society. Does that mean they cannot be productive and useful? No, it just means they will be isolated. Undoubtedly, they will be ostracized for this behavior but that's rarely stopped people from acting the way that makes them happy. More interesting, I think, will be the legislation dealing with this issue. Will humanoid robots be prohibited in favor of something that won't allow these kinds of relationships to develop? I'm sure someone is thinking about this right now.

Hideki was aware of what would happen if he continued to have a relationship with Chi but his love for her overcame that. That was the hurdle that needed to be overcome for them to be really happy together. Hideki made the decision to ignore that Chi was a persocom and instead focus on how he felt about her and how she felt about him. Chi wanted to be with him as well. If they're happy together it's good enough.

Yeh but i got real experience. I fell in love with my perscom. And it turn out alright. I dont think i'll ever go back to a human woman again.

ps(this is a joke do not believe no matter how true it sounds).

i dont really think so, yeah there was the problem w/ guys leavin women for persocoms, but in the end, remember it didnt make a difference. The roomate said it woulda been the same if the husband left the teacher for another woman. U know what im talking about. But yeah, the message of chobits to me was that love can come in many forms. Even man/robot. In the end, robots got real emotions.


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