So, I get that Chii is a Chobit, thus being able to act on her own free-will. However, I'm still unclear on whether she can actually feel human emotions or whether she is simply programmed, like other persocoms, to display them.

If anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate it.

That question is in fact the entire point of the show. How do you tell if an emotion is true? If the emotion is programmed is it still an emotion? Would it not be real to whoever is feeling it? The difference between Chi and the other persocoms is that Chi is allowed to act on what she feels, and thus try to find the answers by herself.

because she is a chobits she can emit human emotions i'm not sure though along with many other people that she is truely displaying them though even though she can act on her own will she is still a chobits computer so yeah i dont think anyone is really sure i think it's all based on opinion.

sadly after re-reading the final manga the answer from her sister freya is: the emotions aren't real. she clearly states to hideki that they are not alive and the emotions are simply algorithms they were programs as, even though they are so real its still nothing more then programming. however the contradiction is what hideki felt, he believes that chi does have a heart and that it is more then programming. i believe what he says cause it feel way too real to be that great of a program, and it seems she has her own real desires to make him so she can be happy and that doesn't sound like programming to me

Well if you read the manga as well as watch the show,she is very diffrent from most persocoms she can do and feel things others can't she does act on her own.

I don't think anyone can really tell if Chii is just dispaying emotions rather than feeling them. Persocoms are programed to be as human as their computer will let them so i think it is very possible. Check out this article for some more info on the whole series.

She developed her emotions on her own due because of her own advance programming and hardware, the other Personal Computers and other computers only imitate the displaying of emotions but don't experience them.

Her twin sister break down because her conflicting feelings, due the fact she romantically in love with her own father/creator.

It should be noted that at the end, she broadcast her ability to feel emotions into all computers, making all computers be able to feel emotions too (but probably not as advance as Chii). That's why the two government Super Computers finally hugged each other, they finally experience love for each other.

According to the story,she can feel human emotions,though not in the early stages, but in the end her emotions are almost human like.this is just my thought.


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