I would love to be able to get episodes of Chobits (it's a japanese cartoon) that is either subtitled in english or dubbed over in english. Everytime that I go to search for them, I can never find a site that can help me do so. So if anyone's got episodes that they're willing to send me, or if anyone can help me find them myself, I would be greatful.

www.youtube.com- its really nice u also find some AMV too ....actually i'm watching right now...

naaa, dont listen to the one above me. go to keiichianimeforever.com. that website has everything. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=1006041515159&kid=NbUvWDK4VDM49PyWEA62&s=comm&date=2006-10-13+15%3A08%3A46&.crumb=

go and download limewire. then do a search for the movie that you want. there should be some.

Works great for Cable or T-1 or something faster.

i never found them myself but my wonderful local bestbuy had the 3 pack dvd sets for only 20 bucks....so that was pretty darn sweet.

Here: http://www.keiichianimeforever.com/anime/onlineanime/series.html/en/chobits

No downloading is required so the quality isn't quite as good as what you'd get if you'd download it but it's the only place I've found with it. All are subbed eps.


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