My 12 year old sister wants to watch the anime chobits is there anything bad in it that she shouldn't see?

Well it is a very perverted show lol I don't think you should let your little sister watch it but it depends on what you think is bad for that age to watch. You could watch it yourself and then decide but yeah its perverted lol.

Well i watched it at the age of 9-8 its kinda perverted but the show is Super Funny!

XP Yeah i watch it too... sadly I liked it, and i sitll watch it... to this day, and I have a friend who dresses as Chi, and me dressed as the main character.... -_- see wat happens if you watch it too much anime?

I was 13 when I started to watch Chobits. I ended up disliking the show, and never watched past episode 12 or so, but I knew kids my age that watched and liked it. Basically, we don't know your sister. Judge her accordingly. I'd watch an episode or two before letting her watch

It does depend on the person.

but the show can be kinda perverted and has it innuendos and insinuations.

But with the episode with the peep show, perhaps not the best for a 12 year old.

uhhh its just ecchi lol you know pretending to have sex lol but not directly but not like masterbation either...and like sometimes you can see people like half dressed

Yeah its kinda perverted, I wouldn't let my younger sister watch it.

Gah... Some s** but i guess so.. ^.~


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